Publica was commissioned by Capital & Counties to develop a public realm
strategy for a new courtyard and passages in historic Covent Garden
2012 – 2013
Visions, Strategies & Masterplans
Floral Court Stage D Public Realm Strategy, 2013
Capital & Counties Covent Garden
Kohn Pedersen Fox
City of Westminster, London
Covent Garden is an internationally renowned destination with a strong and recognisable identity. In its patterns of use it is almost a microcosm of the West End, with theatres and a wide range of shopping, offices and residential uses concentrated in a small area. The area’s main streets and spaces are intensively used and frequently congested, but Covent Garden is also characterised by a charming network of quieter back streets, passages and courts, often used as alternative routes by those familiar with the area.
The Floral Court development creates a new retail, restaurant and residential location in Covent Garden. The development includes a new public space and new route through a currently impermeable block, connecting King Street to Floral Street and Long Acre beyond, improving pedestrian movement in this part of the district.
The public realm strategy developed by Publica provided guidance for the courtyard’s integration with the area’s wider network of public spaces, and was informed by an in-depth area survey of Covent Garden. Research and fieldwork included detailed studies into the scale, character and use of the area’s network of pedestrian routes, historic passages and courtyards.
Passages, ordered by width
Pedestrians in Lazenby Court
Left: An impermeable block, Right: A new route
Working closely with Kohn Pedersen Fox, Publica developed strategic public realm principles to inform the development of design proposals for the site’s public realm, ground floor uses and frontages. The strategy sought to create a welcoming space and public amenity, while ensuring the integration of new spaces with the area’s historic character, grain and scale. The scheme received planning permission in December 2013 and Floral Court opened to the public in April 2018 where many of Publica’s recommendations for the public realm, ground floor uses and planting strategies can be seen.
Axonometric drawing imagining Floral Court on a summer’s day
Axonometric drawing imagining Floral Court on a winter night
Activity, lighting and views
Trees and wayfinding
Publica was commissioned by Capital & Counties to develop a public realm strategy for a new courtyard and passages in historic Covent Garden
2012 – 2013
Visions, Strategies & Masterplans
Bond Street Public Realm Survey, 2015
Bond Street Concept Design and Ongoing Design Oversight, 2015
Capital & Counties Covent Garden
Kohn Pedersen Fox
City of Westminster, London
Covent Garden is an internationally renowned destination with a strong and recognisable identity. In its patterns of use it is almost a microcosm of the West End, with theatres and a wide range of shopping, offices and residential uses concentrated in a small area. The area’s main streets and spaces are intensively used and frequently congested, but Covent Garden is also characterised by a charming network of quieter back streets, passages and courts, often used as alternative routes by those familiar with the area.
The Floral Court development creates a new retail, restaurant and residential location in Covent Garden. The development includes a new public space and new route through a currently impermeable block, connecting King Street to Floral Street and Long Acre beyond, improving pedestrian movement in this part of the district.
The public realm strategy developed by Publica provided guidance for the courtyard’s integration with the area’s wider network of public spaces, and was informed by an in-depth area survey of Covent Garden. Research and fieldwork included detailed studies into the scale, character and use of the area’s network of pedestrian routes, historic passages and courtyards.
Passages, ordered by width
Pedestrians in Lazenby Court
Left: An impermeable block, Right: A new route
Working closely with Kohn Pedersen Fox, Publica developed strategic public realm principles to inform the development of design proposals for the site’s public realm, ground floor uses and frontages. The strategy sought to create a welcoming space and public amenity, while ensuring the integration of new spaces with the area’s historic character, grain and scale. The scheme received planning permission in December 2013 and Floral Court opened to the public in April 2018 where many of Publica’s recommendations for the public realm, ground floor uses and planting strategies can be seen.
Axonometric drawing imagining Floral Court on a summer’s day
Axonometric drawing imagining Floral Court on a winter night
Activity, lighting and views
Trees and wayfinding