Urban Designer
Irene joined Publica in 2019, and has since worked on a number of strategy and public realm design projects in Camden, Whitechapel and Oxford Street.
She graduated from the Architectural Association in June 2019, with a thesis that questioned the role of official masterplans in overcoming the segregation imposed by the apartheid regime in South Africa. The project proposed a process of ‘decolonization’ through a counter-masterplan that suggested a new understanding of the temporal reality of its production.
Irene was awarded the AA Henry Saxon Snell prize in 2015 for her second year project, while her third-year work, which looked at the relation between infrastructure and housing in Peru, was chosen as exemplary by the AA, and was exhibited in 2016.
Prior to joining Publica, Irene worked at Acme, where she was involved in a range of different projects across housing, commercial, infrastructure and public realm.
Urban Designer
Irene joined Publica in 2019, and has since worked on a number of strategy and public realm design projects in Camden, Whitechapel and Oxford Street.
She graduated from the Architectural Association in June 2019, with a thesis that questioned the role of official masterplans in overcoming the segregation imposed by the apartheid regime in South Africa. The project proposed a process of ‘decolonization’ through a counter-masterplan that suggested a new understanding of the temporal reality of its production.
Irene was awarded the AA Henry Saxon Snell prize in 2015 for her second year project, while her third-year work, which looked at the relation between infrastructure and housing in Peru, was chosen as exemplary by the AA, and was exhibited in 2016.
Prior to joining Publica, Irene worked at Acme, where she was involved in a range of different projects across housing, commercial, infrastructure and public realm.
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