Senior Urban Designer
Tess is an urban designer and historian. She is currently leading several public realm design and research projects in Central London. Her varied background, which ranges from graphic design to geospatial analysis to wayfinding to teaching, has allowed her to develop a design practice that is approachable, rooted in research, and responsive to client concerns and community needs.
Prior to joining Publica, Tess worked as an urban planner at James Corner Field Operations, the landscape architecture firm in New York, and as a strategist and project manager at Pentagram Design. Tess received her Master’s in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and her Bachelor’s in History from Yale University, from which she graduated with honours.
She frequently writes urban history articles for the Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library, and she is a guest editor at the New York Review of Architecture. She was born and raised in New York City.
Senior Urban Designer
Tess is an urban designer and historian. She is currently leading several public realm design and research projects in Central London. Her varied background, which ranges from graphic design to geospatial analysis to wayfinding to teaching, has allowed her to develop a design practice that is approachable, rooted in research, and responsive to client concerns and community needs.
Prior to joining Publica, Tess worked as an urban planner at James Corner Field Operations, the landscape architecture firm in New York, and as a strategist and project manager at Pentagram Design. Tess received her Master’s in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and her Bachelor’s in History from Yale University, from which she graduated with honours.
She frequently writes urban history articles for the Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library, and she is a guest editor at the New York Review of Architecture. She was born and raised in New York City.
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