July 2024
Every year we run a work experience programme, inviting students from the areas we have been working in into our office for a week to introduce urban design and built environment practice and offer advice on next steps and links to our wider networks.
This year we had the pleasure of hosting six brilliant Year 12 students from schools in Tower Hamlets and Westminster. This year the programme was led by our new urban designer Sarena, who created an engaging programme for the week. Sarena set an exciting project brief for our aspiring urban designers, that shifted the lens between urban discovery and design proposition. The students were tasked with proposing changes that they might want to see in the public realm, based on significant social, economic, or environmental urban issues. The project centred around Smithfield Market, below Publica’s new office.
Throughout the week, the students were introduced to the broader Publica team and our diverse projects to help guide and inspire their work as it developed. Directors Victoria, Anna, Ellie, and team members Tess, and Daniel, gave great presentations covering a wide range of Publica projects including child-friendly cities, women’s safety, and night-time urban spaces. It was a wonderful opportunity for our whole team to engage with the students, allowing them to learn about the various roles within a smaller urban design practice and our Community Interest Company.
We also took the students to visit our studio neighbours and project collaborators Carmody Groarke to show them the environment of an excellent award-winning architecture practice
The week concluded with impressive presentations from the students, who each created a model to visually represent their project. Two students focussed on Charterhouse Square, redesigning paving and developing lighting solutions to improve accessibility and night-time safety. Other students proposed ideas for community welfare, such as new street furniture and park structures to make the public area more child-friendly. Another student developed a ‘green belt’ concept for street corners, featuring plants that reduced CO2 emissions from cars and nearby construction.
We loved having the students here and wish them all the best for the future. With thanks to Tower Hamlets WorkPath for working closely with us on the programme.
News ⋅ July 2024
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July 2024
Every year we run a work experience programme, inviting students from the areas we have been working in into our office for a week to introduce urban design and built environment practice and offer advice on next steps and links to our wider networks.
This year we had the pleasure of hosting six brilliant Year 12 students from schools in Tower Hamlets and Westminster. This year the programme was led by our new urban designer Sarena, who created an engaging programme for the week. Sarena set an exciting project brief for our aspiring urban designers, that shifted the lens between urban discovery and design proposition. The students were tasked with proposing changes that they might want to see in the public realm, based on significant social, economic, or environmental urban issues. The project centred around Smithfield Market, below Publica’s new office.
Throughout the week, the students were introduced to the broader Publica team and our diverse projects to help guide and inspire their work as it developed. Directors Victoria, Anna, Ellie, and team members Tess, and Daniel, gave great presentations covering a wide range of Publica projects including child-friendly cities, women’s safety, and night-time urban spaces. It was a wonderful opportunity for our whole team to engage with the students, allowing them to learn about the various roles within a smaller urban design practice and our Community Interest Company.
We also took the students to visit our studio neighbours and project collaborators Carmody Groarke to show them the environment of an excellent award-winning architecture practice
The week concluded with impressive presentations from the students, who each created a model to visually represent their project. Two students focussed on Charterhouse Square, redesigning paving and developing lighting solutions to improve accessibility and night-time safety. Other students proposed ideas for community welfare, such as new street furniture and park structures to make the public area more child-friendly. Another student developed a ‘green belt’ concept for street corners, featuring plants that reduced CO2 emissions from cars and nearby construction.
We loved having the students here and wish them all the best for the future. With thanks to Tower Hamlets WorkPath for working closely with us on the programme.
News ⋅ July 2024
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